Inside Out

Notes on seeking wisdom and crafting software

You are me

Come, come to me, oh dear,

Take a sip of my nectar..

Says the flower to the bee.

Sing tunes of love and spread the joy,

I exist to serve thee, for you are me!

You seem little tired, my friend

Stay a while under my shade..

Says the tree to the traveller.

Relish the sweetness of my fruits, love,

I exist to serve thee, for you are me!

Just like that, my dear,

I see you in everything and everywhere..

My existence is but a tiny speck.

So grand are you, auspicious and pure,

Can I ever say, “you are me”?

Veiled with clouds of ignorance,

My stupidity has no bounds..

Let the world laugh, but I will ask.

Oh dear, who created this concept of “Me”,

Is there anything I can offer thou?

Take that "Me", my beloved,

The very essence of this world..

And this conscience is yours too.

Strike off everything, that is not-you..

I exist to serve thee, fill me with you!

There will be neither you, nor me,

Eternal will be that touch of perfection..

For you will be the seer, the seen and the vision.

Let me be aware of this, and be ever free,

With the joy that I have served thee..