Notes on seeking wisdom and crafting software

Weekly update: 1-2011

Here’s the weekly round up on my Priorities for 2011:

1. Health
-   Diet regulation has started. Good progress so far


2. Knowledge

-   Studying 3 books parallely (more on the schedule later)
-   Psychology book for this month: [A Mind of Its


3. Writing

-   Regular posts are going good
-   Personal journal needs work


4. Code

-   Started on a new idea with a friend
-   User stories ready. Design specification in progress :)


5. Living

-   Not much progress here. Mind still rules my activities



This week I strictly separated my work and life hours. Atwork, no thoughts regarding any personal projects or anythingnon-work. And during life hours (evenings and weekends), nowork emails, no thoughts regarding work.Don't waste time in mending stuff anticipating you willrequire it someday. It is a waste of time. And since your ideais an anticipation, likely it will be different from realityso the time spent in "mending" is basically thrown away. Forexample, don't look for a webhost until you have an app ready:)

So far so good. Wish you a fulfilling week ahead.