Notes on seeking wisdom and crafting software

Exam Time - Some cool tips !!

Its Exam time again…:-(

And asusual the Nerds gonna makee it to the tOp…however as someone said

> If you don't reach to the tOp yourself, you always have the liberty to > stand someone's shoulders and reach the tOp !! :-D

Be it the ***Lecture Notes*** or the so called ***Doubt Clearing Sessions*** (for the subjects where everything is *OHP* in classroom, an hour worth of boring company with nerds really helps !!)....Nerds come into flashlight (may be twice or thrice per semester though)...No offence to nerds !! Who knows ***the guy you call nerd today might be your Boss tomorrow*** :-P

Mind it ! its our sheer good luck that the **Society for Nerds** doesnt sell out their notes as ebooks or as their own publications. The day they do that...may be some of us will ditch two or three days of *Night Canteen* tours to get the notes xeroxed (dont worry if are serious with your **extracurricular activities** then your Notes xerox might cost as low as a few hundred bucks..:-D)

Time ~~*TASTED*~~ TiPS *(Try them @ your own risk !!)* :

- Don't be **over dependant** on the nerds..You may ruin your complete exam if you make the mistake of sitting by the side of a nerd during the exam(plenty of exceptions do exist though !!) - The night before the exam god !! Tension building up...Its 3AM and still 5 chapters remaining..thats a common thing in most premier institutes..that just proves that you have been quite regular with **extracurricular activities** during the semester..dont panic go to sleep..and dream in bits and bytes !! - For the most ~~*interesting*~~ subjects like Information Systems (all related to an autobiography of a systems analyst !!) :-S..scan through the subheadings and make up the autobiography in the exam hall...depends on who teaches the subject (Be happy if the lecturer is an postgraduate student !! *students understand other students*) - If you are confused at any point then don't forget to confuse the teacher with as much confidence as possible... ;-) Remember **confidence** is the keyword !! In this context don't forget to cite the names of some foreign author's might help. This is a golden rule for the Practical Viva exams. However also remember that
*"A fool remains a fool until he opens his mouth"*

So don't do much *bak bak* you may get caught and you know the
  • If you are short in attendance, before the exams…Dont panic!! Have a look at College Dispensary and get a medical report (considered authentic by the authorities :-P). The most common thing that the medical-in-charge will say is “I don’t give false certificates..“. Here comes your extracurricular activities into play if you are an expert then act as if you will suicide if you don’t get a medical certificate (Don’t forget to warn that The in-charge will be resposible for your suicide !!) Else you can use your overactive brain to create some good situation such as*“Madam, i was so ill that i was not feeling like coming to the i took some white pills which you had given me the previous time i had come here…but madam i won’t take such pills again..i know its risky but…”*

    **Note :** Never mention the name of any medicine coz the college dispensaries prescribe a particular medicine for a disease and you may say some other medicine and whole idea gets screwed up !! *Preferred pill colour : White* ;-)

However all these tips may help you with one exceptional condition :

> *If you have ever taken panga with your teacher and you are in a > deemed university then take it granted that you are screwed up !! If > you have the exams are a bit far then try to patch up the matter with > Prof. concerned else think of dropping the course.* >


> ***Grading scale** : if you are expecting some CD (rest assurred you > will get a DD or worse depending on the magintude of panga). If you > are a B.O.N.D (Brilliant Of Nth Degree) in that subject then you may > get BB or escape with a BC :-)*

Relative grading rocks... if you are screwed then don't worry much. Pray god that class average goes as low as possible !

Finally !! ALL THE BEST for the exams.. :-)technorati tags: exams, nerds, tricks and tips