ℹ️ The author talks about their experience with different blogging platforms, such as Tumblr, Posterous and WordPress. They discuss the pros and cons of each platform and share their thoughts on why they eventually chose to return to WordPress.
If you subscribe to this blog, you would have noticed there have not
been much activity for past few months. So Hello world! Yours truly is
still alive, and a bit older and wiser, thanks to the sine wave of life
Where was /me? Somewhere during July, I got this idea of custom domain,
a handcrafted stylesheet. And I got lured by tumblr.
**World of [tumblr](http://tumblr.com)**
Tumblr was a snap to set up. Simple user dashboard. Great set of themes.
Neat post types that categorize your writing and media.
Tumblr has a great community, I found it more focused on arts, photos
and general themes ([explore tumblr](http://www.tumblr.com/explore)).
Tumblr has totally nailed reblog experience. You'd find photos (usually
quotations on relationships going fire across community). My blog was at
the other end of spectrum, mostly related to technology and so
Spam killed my experience. Spammers would create tumblogs and like your
post. That would skew the feedback loop with readers. Not cool.
And then my blog had a downtime (or blocked?) for no reason I could
understand. They fixed it. But I wrapped and moved on.
I do maintain another blog of mine on tumblr. It mostly focuses on
philosophy, spirituality, and other meta thoughts. It blends into tumblr
community, and I am liking it there :)
**On to [posterous](http://posterous.com)**
I liked it. Markdown support for posts. Post by email was great too. I
even started
vim-blogit to support posterous. Customer/Developer support at posterous
is awesome.
nails down collaboration and post-anywhere beautifully. They support
embedding gists, tweets, scribd documents, so literally anything can be
in your post :) And now they are focusing on Spaces and group blogs, I
haven't played with it.
On a quick glance, I feel exploring new community content could be
better in posterous. Honestly I didn't get a chance to get involved with
posterous community a lot, so take my observation with a pinch of salt.
I couldn't get a theme that was minimalist, yet customizable. I tried
creating my theme. But testing it was a pain. The appearance editor
could do better in terms of usability, highlighting errors. Gave up.
The other glitch was web-based editor. It is basic, which is ok; but
somehow it skewed up formatting of posts. I spent few hours in some
cases editing post, saving and looking at website to check the
formatting :( If you're into posterous, try embedding your code into
Github Gists, documents to Scribd and including them in your blog post.
**Wordpress finally...**
This blog started off when wordpress.com was still in beta. Has been
with me through the college years, and much part of my professional
life. Time to give it the attention it deserves.
And yeah, got the variety themes. A "Just Write" full screen editor.
Formatting works. Imported posts from posterous :)
At this moment, my only goal is to write and share my experiences; with
as much less distraction as possible. Let's see.