Terminal or aterm is a highly configurable Terminal
Emulator for the X. The
most exciting feature offered by aterm is Transparency of the terminal
and then Install the files by a simple
$ tar -xvzf aterm*.tar.gz
$ cd <path to aterm folder>
$ ./configure; make
$ sudo make install
After successful installation you can start the terminal using$ aterm
If you want to change the configurations of aterm then just create a file ~/.Xdefaults (it may be already there in your system) and then put settings you wanna change in that file. You can get my .Xdefaults file here
I would end with some useful links to configuring Aterm : >
Checkout this Fedora Forums page for an interesting discussion on the Best Terminal Emulator.
technorati tags:aterm, suse, linux, afterstep, transparency, terminal, X, Xdefaults