Notes on seeking wisdom and crafting software

Input hotplugging and usb mouse

After loosing few matches on FICS on time control, poor me realized that it’s the mouse which matters when you’ve 10-20 seconds to mate. So I got myself an usb mouse and we’ve some new adventure.

Ok, plugged in the usb mouse, checked that `lsusb` recognizes it. A `dmesg` suggested only a generic "low speed" usb device plug in. I did a `X -configure` but it didn't show up my usb mouse :( Few web pages suggested some cool ways to check if your mouse is recognized:

- Do a cat /proc/bus/input/devices and look for your mouse. Get mouse model from `lsusb` - If there are multiple mice showing up in /dev/input/\* then do a `cat /dev/input/mice` and try moving your mouse, if it’s recognized you’d see random output on screen

None of these worked for me. I gave up on XOrg.conf. Let's try upgrading to [Xorg input hotplugging]( and see if HAL does some magic. So added *hal* and *dbus* to rc.conf, pacman'ed *xf86-input-evdev*. Hotplugging totally disregards can replace/compliemt your xorg.conf, all inputs are added at runtime, real hotness! Well still my mouse was not working.

After pulling out hair after hair, finally I figured out the whole story (yep! I still have a few hairs left:)). Although kernel was recognizing my usb device, it couldn't know that it was a mouse. Hence there was no device file created for the mouse in /dev/input. The missing link was **usbhid** ([USB Human Interaction Device]( module. A quick `modprobe usbhid` and we're golden. The clever /me had disabled MOD\_AUTOLOAD in rc.conf, and I had listed every module loaded by my system (optimization!).

Anyways hotplugging is super awesome. I enabled scroll on my [touchpad]( this time, configuration is real easy and human readable. E.g. to disable the caps lock key, just add the following option to */etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi*: `ctrl:nocaps`. Thanks to the [arch wiki](

**Update:**.xmodmap causes problems with multimedia keys. Evdev is intelligent enough to guess the right names for all key codes, so commenting .xmodmap worked for me. Most of issues are caused because X detects two keyboards (thanks HAL), */var/log/XOrg.0.log* is your friend. My current setup doesn't use a *xorg.conf*, everything is detected by HAL, and things work OOB.

Good day!