The first two are very useful, if you kill bugs for a living (read debugging freak).
- [NERDCommenter](
'NERDs use real editors (VIM ;) Flame flame...) and
their code'. This plugin helps comment code in almost all languages
you program in. The way: select 'n' lines in visual mode(or punch
in a number in normal mode), use ',cc' for normal commenting of that
code. ',cu' will uncomment the lines. ',c\
This is your friend for browsing those 1000x lines of legacy code.
All it does is: creates a split window and shows the macros,
functions, variables etc.. You can C-w (ctrl+w) to the split window
and start jumping through the code. Ofcourse, I agree with the die
hard ctags fans. CTags is the ultimate thingy! I prefer not using my
best weapon(ctags -R \*.cs) against a single progam.cs which has
damn 3000 lines of code (its reality! spare me, I din't write that
program :)). So here's how to bring down the taglist to single key:
`! put this in .vimrc/_vimrc `
! press \\tt to toggle taglist on/off in normal mode
nmap \<Leader\>tt :TlistToggle\<cr\></code>
This will add
[dimension]( to your source
code. First time you create the file, add these:
Created: 18/01/2015, 14:59:08 IST
Last Modified: TIMESTAMP
Rest assured for the life of that file. Every time you save the file, Last Modified will get updated. For those lazy guys, this is a tool to measure your level of procrastination.